The Portable Museum of Curiosity

Portable MuseumFollowing last week’s post, which focused on The Museum of Curiosity in London, I began to wonder if other contemporary artists have been inspired by this ‘Wunderkammer’ theme. After a little research, I soon discovered an amazing collaboration between Joanne B Kaar, artist, and Joanne Howdle, museum curator for Caithness Horizons. This collaboration resulted in the creation of a fold-out portable museum of curiosity, which is now available for schools, colleges, community groups and museums, galleries and other heritage organisations to loan.

In the video below, Joanne B Kaar explains the background to this incredible museum, and the fascinating research into botanist and baker Robert Dick that inspired its creation:

Joanne B Kaar has recently started work on another portable museum for Strathnaver Museum. To find out how the project is developing, follow the Strathnaver blog here.

I hope that one day I will have an opportunity to experience these unique museums in the flesh.

4 thoughts on “The Portable Museum of Curiosity

  1. Thanks for this smashing jewel, Abby. There’s is this amazing Museum of Curiosity (I think it incorporates the word ‘jurassic’ in its long descriptive name, or something) somewhere outside California where Werner Herzog met a BBC journalist the last time the German director was interviewed by the Corporation. I would love to track it down and pay it a visit. It looked so worth visiting!

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